Trends in front-end technology

The Top Hottest Front End Trends In 2021 - INVO Blog

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Many web apps now include AI-powered chat as part of their user experience. It has evolved into a great method for providing solutions to consumers’ inquiries while also assisting in the establishment of long-term partnerships between the organization and its clients. It might also employ speech recognition to give the app a more human-like user experience.

PWAs (Progressive Web Apps)

Nowadays it’s more crucial than ever to provide users with an app that has a natural appearance and feel and functions well on mobile devices. PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are web applications operating in the same way as native mobile applications. Quick loading, offline mode, and outstanding performance are their key benefits. The main advantage of PWA is also the optional publishing to the Google Play or App store, making the delivery of the app to your customers much easier.

Many things have changed in the PWA ecosystem by 2021, and many firms should continue to adopt and adapt PWA as a means to build and maintain. It works on practically any platform and allows for developing features just to a single codebase. It’s not just for web pages; it’s also for web apps with a lot of features.


Within several words, TypeScript may be summarized as “JS (JavaScript) that scales”. It’s a JavaScript-based highly typed programming language. It’s difficult to create massive web apps without the capabilities and security that it offers. It’s becoming bigger and more common for projects.


This is a stack-based virtual machine library instruction format. Abbreviated Wasm allows server and client programs to be deployed over the web. You can build apps in whatever language you choose. The file can be launched in a browser. WebAssembly now supports a number of languages, including C#/.Net, C/C++, Java, Rust, Go, ElixirPython, and others.

Web assembly is becoming more popular as more features are supported, thus it’s a smart practice to follow.

Micro state managers

Redux is one of several solid-state management packages available, but the complexity it generates is difficult to stomach for small-scale use cases. Simple principles of small state management libraries are now available. The most popular libraries are Recoil, Hookstate, and XState.

Super applications and micro-frontends

Micro-frontends is a notion that considers web apps as a collection of features (apps) maintained by separate teams. Super app, on the other hand, is a notion that combines different functionalities (apps) into a single application, allowing businesses to reach out to customers without having to invest in expensive infrastructure and solutions.

Webpack launched version 5 at the end of 2020, with the key feature of Module Federation, which makes it simple to create Micro-frontend solutions. Super apps and micro-frontend trends gained traction in 2021 as a result of these and other benefits, and it is expected to continue in 2022.

Frameworks for front-end development


The most popular JS library for creating user interfaces is React. Many web developers choose it because of its premise, simplicity, and adaptability.

In 2021, the React team revealed plans for version 18, which would include a slew of new features like new APIs, automated batching, and server renderer with built-in React.lazy support. This may only increase the library’s popularity and usage in 2022.


As previously said, there are several JS frameworks and libraries available, but some are more fascinating than others and continue to gain popularity. Svelte, which is defined as a “radical new way to developing user interfaces,” is an excellent example. It moves the work away from the browser and into a compilation phase that occurs when you create your app. It’s something you should look into, much like the other developers that chose Svelte.


Another great framework is Vue.js which creates single-page apps and user interfaces. It’s characterized as a framework that’s simple to learn, fast, and packed with features. While it provides an incrementally flexible architecture, it also focuses on component composition and declarative rendering. As seen by stack overflow statistics, it is becoming increasingly popular and attempting to displace older solutions like Angular. Version 3.0 was published in 2021, with various new features such as Fragment, Teleport, and the Composition API.

Generators of static websites

Finally, it’s worth noting tools like NextJS, Hugo, and Gatsby are gaining in popularity. Its capabilities are rapidly evolving, and there are a plethora of highly performant, customizable, and SEO-friendly alternatives available right now. It’s worth keeping up with server-side rendering since it’s never been easier or more powerful than it is now.

Front-end web development’s future

Front-end development trends are easy to spot. You may easily identify functionality and examine what that website utilizes as a front-end web developer. As a result, it’s critical for top tech front-end developers to keep up with the most fast-evolving technology. It’s crucial to quickly understand and implement the finest technologies into the tech stack in order to produce profitable and performant apps.