Tips for appealing to tech-savvy audiences

It feels as if technology is evolving every second of every day. With constant advancements and improvements, how are you supposed to know that you’re being seen by the people and consumers you want to notice you? Here are a few tips for appealing to a tech-savvy audience during a time of frequent technological advancements.

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One of the best starting points is social media. In this day and age, it’s almost expected for everyone to have social media in some form or another. People operate social media to keep up with friends, family, celebrities, artists, and brands they care about; it’s easy to monitor your favorite brands and their new products through different social networks. Keep an eye on which platforms your prospects and customers use most, and focus the majority of your digital marketing on that channel. 

It’s hard to keep up on social media and keep it engaging. Sometimes it feels like a chore and can be extremely overwhelming if you have other business to conduct. In order to keep up on social posting, create a template for what you want to post and when you want it published. While a template will help, it still may not be enough. Adding a social media expert to your team will make your social media marketing strategy more effective. They can manage your social marketing and offer advice on how else to appeal to your tech-savvy audience. 

Design your website for mobile devices

Just like social media, virtually everybody has a smartphone and frequently uses it — especially your techie customers. If someone wants to find your website or social media, they’re more likely to research it on their phones; that being said, you should optimize your website for mobile use. A website designed for a desktop will not translate well on a mobile device, and it will likely deter your prospect from continuing much further if that’s the avenue they took to find you. 

Here are a few tips for taking a mobile-first approach to your website design:

  • Use a vertical navigation system, with a drop-down option, rather than horizontal like you would for a desktop.
  • Avoid the bells and whistles you’d use in your desktop design; there’s less space on a mobile screen, so don’t crowd it with anything that isn’t essential for the visitor.
  • Integrate phone functions; give the visitor the option to call your business at the tap of a button or opt for promotional texts.
  • If you must use a footer, use links to content within your website — preferable content on your homepage. 
  • Take your users’ location into account and use tracking technology to promote targeted ads based on searches within that geographic location. 

Use visually appealing displays

Whether tech-savvy or not, customers want to see the product or service they’re researching. If your product is poorly displayed, it will likely be ignored by your customers or draw negative attention to it. Make sure that whatever product or service you advertise on- or off-site has reviews attached to it in some form; by doing so, you’re saying, “Hey, our customers like this thing and this is why.” Seeing reviews and an appealing image will boost the likelihood of selling what you have to offer.

Creating an appealing visual display of your products and/or services allows your customer to research a product instead of making a blind purchase. Be sure to have a list or catalog of what you’re willing to provide to your customer or the friction involved in searching for it may result in them leaving your webpage without buying or earning anything from it. 

tech savvy girl with holographic display

Communicate through various channels

Make sure you are available to answer questions and promote your products by using different communication methods. The more platforms you use to communicate, the more likely your customers will be to reach out. When someone sends a message, they expect a response within minutes, so make yourself reachable. Reply to comments on posts, answer questions in DMs, respond to emails, and do your best to keep up on every form of communication. However, you’re human, which means you cannot be available 24/7. If possible, look into employing an automated chat system so any questions or requests can be addressed immediately. This will put the customer at ease while they wait for your personal response — it’s a money and time saver as well.  

Build trust 

You won’t build trust by focusing on sales tactics alone; communicate openly about everything from pricing to production. Your interactions with your customers should be personalized for each individual. Ensure you’re being as honest as possible during the conversation as well. 

Again, build credibility and customer loyalty by sharing positive reviews and testimonials. Simply having one person say they liked your product or service will increase the likelihood of making a sale. People like to see that you and what you offer are worth raving about. 

Asking for feedback shows that you’re genuinely interested in your customers’ wants and needs. That alone is a great starting point, but just asking for feedback isn’t enough to prove that you’re worth their time and money. The reason you want feedback is so that you can act on it. Be sure to consider all recommendations, suggestions, and tips; do what you can to please your audience, or if you have a valid reason not to, explain to them why you can’t. 

Boost your SEO 

You’re looking to appeal to a more tech-conscious audience. Odds are, they know how to look for precisely what they want, so you need to make yourself easy to spot during the search. Improve your search engine rankings so they can find you; this is all-around helpful for your website and especially for reaching your techie customers. Here’s a small list of things to keep in mind while attempting to boost your presence.

  • Use keywords on your website; add commonly searched terms (that are relevant, of course) to several different pages to increase the probability of being discovered.
  • Update your website frequently; any new product or service, news, or success stories should be added as soon as possible, and make sure to remove any irrelevant content as you edit. 
  • Use meta descriptions; search engines will display this information in the search results, so make sure it’s appealing enough to draw in your prospects. 

There are multitudes of different ways to appeal to your tech-savvy consumers; more than anything, you should focus on the customer experience. As long as your customers feel as though you’re treating them well and providing something they need (in an easy-to-obtain way), you’re off to an excellent start.

The world of online marketing and advertising can be quite daunting, and it sure isn’t for the faint of heart. If you are genuinely interested in making waves with your brand, you need to put in a lot of work and dedication to make it happen. It takes time to develop a powerful online presence that will draw your techies in, so be patient, and do not be discouraged if it takes more time than you might expect. 

What do you think about these tips for appealing to tech-savvy audiences? Let us know on social media by using the buttons below.

Last Updated on July 21, 2022.

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