How to Change Default Search Engine in Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, and Firefox

Featured - How to Change the Default Search Engine of Your Browser

One of the main frustrations when switching to a new browser is figuring out how to change default search engine. Many will look to set Google as the default search engine for better results or switch to a less invasive alternative like DuckDuckGo.

Of course, when we talk about the default search engine, we’re talking about the one you’ll be taken to when you type in your browser’s address bar or search bar. Having your favorite search provider here can greatly speed up the process, as you won’t need to navigate to the webpage manually.

Today, we’re going to take out the guesswork by showing you exactly how to change default search engine on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, and Safari. Let’s start with Chrome:


How to Change the Default Search Engine in Chrome

Chrome is the most popular browser in the world right now, and naturally comes with Google search out of the box. What if you don’t want Google, though, or need to switch back? Here’s how to change search engine on Chrome to whichever you want.

  1. Chrome settings
    With Chrome open press the three dots in the top-right corner, next to your profile image.


    Windows 10 - Google Chrome - ThreeDot Icon - Open Settings

  2. “Search engine” in the sidebar and change the dropdown
    By default, you’ll have a choice between Google, Bing, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, and Ecosia. If you’d like to use a different search engine, follow the steps below.


    Windows 10 - Google Chrome - ThreeDot Icon - Settings - Search Engine - Choose One to Use in the Adress Bar

  3. Optional: Click “Manage search engines”
    It should be located just below the dropdown from the previous step.


    Windows 10 - Google Chrome - ThreeDot Icon - Settings - Search Engine - Open Manage Search Engines

  4. Change default search engine to one you’ve visited before
    If you’ve visited a search engine before, it’ll probably show up under the “Other search engines” section in your Chrome settings. Press the three dots next to it and choose “Make default” to switch to it.


    Windows 10 - Google Chrome - ThreeDot Icon - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines - Other Search Engines - Make One As Default

  5. OR: Add a new default search engine to Chrome
    If your search engine isn’t in either list, you can instead press the “Add” button between the “default” and “other” lists.


    Windows 10 - Google Chrome - ThreeDot Icon - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines - Other Search Engines - Add

  6. Enter your search engine details
    You’ll need to enter a name, URL, and keyword for your new search engine. Typing the keyword will give you quick access to the search engine when it isn’t your default.

    To get the URL of your search engine, make a search on it and then replace your search term in its URL with %s.

    For example, if I were to search for Winbuzzer on DuckDuckGo, it would return the URL I would therefore enter in the “URL with %s in place of query” field.

    Press “Add” when you’re done.


    Windows 10 - Google Chrome - ThreeDot Icon - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines - Other Search Engines - Add

  7. How to change default search engine in Chrome to your custom search
    To set your new search engine as the default, look for it in the “Other search engines” list. Them, click the three dots next to its name and press “Make default”.


    Windows 10 - Google Chrome - ThreeDot Icon - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines - Other Search Engines - Add - Make Default

How to Change the Default Firefox Search Engine

In Firefox, changing default search engine has been made quite simple. This is good, because the out-of-the-box search engine is Google, which contrasts with Firefox’s privacy-focused nature.

This is how you change it to something else or make Google the default search engine again if you need to switch back.

  1. Open Firefox settings

    With Firefox open, press the hamburger menu in the top right and select “Settings”.


    Windows 10 - Firefox Open Settings

  2. Click “Search” in the sidebar and look for the dropdown under “Default Search Engine”
    By default, you’ll probably have the option of Google, Amazon, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Wikipedia. You may also have some local search engines.


    Windows 10 - Firefox - Settings - Search - Default Search Engine - Choose One

  3. Add more search engine options to Firefox

    If your favorite search engine isn’t in the list, scroll down until you see a table of search engines and their keywords and press “Find more search engines” underneath it.


    Windows 10 - Firefox - Settings - Search - Default - Finde More Search Engines

  4. Look for your preferred search engine in the add-on store
    In our case, that means searching for Amazon. However, there are hundreds of other options available.


    Windows 10 - Firefox - Settings - Search - Default - Finde More Search Engines - Search for One

  5. Press “Add to Firefox” on the extension page.

    Windows 10 - Firefox - Settings - Search - Default - Finde More Search Engines - Search for One - Add to Firefox

  6. Click “Add” on the pop-up

    Windows 10 - Firefox - Settings - Search - Default - Finde More Search Engines - Search for One - Add to Firefox - Add

  7. Change the Firefox default search engine to your new choice
    You can do so via the same dropdown we showed earlier, which is in “Settings > Search”.


    Windows 10 - Firefox - Settings - Search - Default - Finde More Search Engines - Search for One - Add - Select it As Default Search Engine

How to Change Search Engine in Edge

In Microsoft Edge, the change search engine function is much more tucked away. This can be quite frustrating, as it starts out with Bing. Here’s how to set Google as the default search engine instead or add a custom one.

  1. Open Microsoft Edge Settings

    As with any other browser, the process starts in the settings menu. You can find it by pressing the three dots in the top-right corner of your Edge window and then clicking “Settings”.


    Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge - Open Settings

  2. Select “Privacy, search, and services” in the sidebar and click “Address bar and search”

    Microsoft has put the “Address bar and search” button at the very bottom of the settings page, under the “Services” heading.


    Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge - Settings - Privacy Search and Services - Open Address Bar and Search

  3. Change default search engine in Edge via dropdown
    Clicking the button will take you to another page, where you’ll see a heading called “Search engine used in the address bar”. Click the dropdown menu next to that and choose from the list of search engines there if any catch your fancy.
    One nice thing about Edge is that it automatically populates this list with all the search engines you’ve visited for easy access. However, if you haven’t visited the search engine yet, you can follow our steps for manual setup below.

    Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge - Settings - Privacy Search and Services - Address Bar and Search - Search Engine Used - Choose One

  4. Optional: Add a custom search engine by pressing “Manage search engines”
    You should find the option right underneath the dropdown from the previous step, at the bottom of the page.


    Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge - Settings - Privacy Search and Services - Address Bar and Search - Open Manage Search Engines

  5. Press “Add” in the top-right corner

    Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge - Settings - Privacy Search and Services - Address Bar and Search - Manage Search Engines - Add

  6. Enter the name, keyword, and URL for your default search engine
    Typing the keyword will give you quick access to the search engine when it isn’t your default.

    To get the URL of your search engine, make a search on it and then replace your search term in its URL with %s.

    For example, if I were to search for Winbuzzer on DuckDuckGo, it would return the URL I would therefore enter in the “URL with %s in place of query” field.

    Press “Add” when you’re done.


    Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge - Settings - Privacy Search and Services - Address Bar and Search - Manage Search Engines - Add

  7. Press the three dots next to your search engine and press “Make default”

    Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge - Settings - Privacy Search and Services - Address Bar and Search - Manage Search Engines - Add - Make it Default

How to Change the Opera Default Search Engine

Opera isn’t the most popular search engine in the world, but it has a strong niche fanbase. It ships with Google by default, which many will enjoy, but you may also be looking to switch to a more privacy-focused alternative. Here’s how you can dive into Opera settings to change where the Opera search bar takes you:

  1. Open Opera settings
    Press the abacus icon in the top-right corner of your browser, then press “Go to full browser settings” to open your Opera settings.


    Windows 10 - Opera - Settings Open Full Browser Settings

  2. Scroll down to the Opera search engine heading and change the dropdown
    You’ll have the option between Google Search, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, Amazon, Bing, and Wikipedia. However, you can add additional ones by following the steps below:


    Windows 10 - Opera - Settings - Search Engine

  3. Click the “Manage search engines” button underneath the dropdown

    Windows 10 - Opera - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines

  4. Add additional Opera search engines

    Scroll past the table until you see the “Other search engines” heading, then press “Add” on the right-hand side.


    Windows 10 - Opera - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines - Other Search Engines - Add

  5. Enter your search engine details
    You’ll need to enter a name, URL, and keyword for your new search engine. Typing the keyword will give you quick access to the search engine when it isn’t your default.

    To get the URL of your search engine, make a search on it and then replace your search term in its URL with %s.

    For example, if I were to search for hello on the US google translate, it would return the URL I would therefore enter in the “URL with %s in place of query” field.

    Press “Add” when you’re done.


    Windows 10 - Opera - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines - Other Search Engines - Add

  6. Change the Opera default search engine via the “Other search engines” table
    Now all you need to do is press the three dots next to your new entry and press “Make default”.


    Windows 10 - Opera - Settings - Search Engine - Manage Search Engines - Other Search Engines - Add - Make it Default

How to Change Search Engine in Safari

If you’re changing search engine on Safari, things are a little more simple. You should be able to make Google the default search engine, or switch to Bing, Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo, in just four clicks:

  1. Open Safari preferences
    Click on “Safari” in your menu bar and then press “Preferences…”.


    Safari - Menu - Open Settings

  2. Change search engine

    Open the “Search” tab in your Safari preferences and look for the “Search engine” heading. Click the dropdown next to it and select a search engine from the list.


    Safari - Menu - Settings - Change Default Search Engine

How to Change the Default Search Engine in Chrome Mobile

Some search engines don’t carry their preferences over to mobile and have a slightly different process to change the default search engine. Here’s how to make the adjustment in Chrome. We’ll be using Android, but it should be more or less the same in iOS.

  1. Press the three dots in the top-right corner of your browser

    Google Chrome Mobile - Open Menu

  2. Click “Settings”


    Google Chrome Mobile - Menu

  3. Click the “Search engine” button under “Basics”

    Google Chrome Mobile - Settings

  4. Choose a new search engine from the list
    You should have the choice between Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Ecosia.


    Google Chrome Mobile - Settings Search Engine

How to Change the Firefox Default Search Engine on Mobile

In Firefox mobile, changing search engine is quite different from any of its competitors. The key is in the browsers bottom-based address bar:

  1. Open Firefox and click on the address bar


    Mozilla Firefox Mobile - Adress and Search Bar

  2. Press the “Search engine” button above the address bar


    Mozilla Firefox Mobile - Adress and Search Bar - Search Engine

  3. Choose from the list or tap “Search engine settings”

    Mozilla Firefox Mobile - Search Engine

  4. Press “Add search engine”

    Mozilla Firefox Mobile - Search Engine settings

  5. Enter the details of your new default search engine

    Enter the name for your search engine, followed by the search string underneath.

    To get the search string of your search engine, make a search on it and then replace your search term in its URL with %s.

    For example, if I were to search for Winbuzzer on DuckDuckGo, it would return the URL I would therefore enter in the “Search string to use” field.


    Mozilla Firefox Mobile - Search Engine settings - Add search engine

How to Change the Default Search Engine in Microsoft Edge Mobile

How to Change Opera Search Engine on Mobile

How to Remove Bing from Windows 10 Search

Now that you’ve de-Binged your browser, you may want to extend that to your operating system’s search function. Our existing tutorial will show you how to remove Bing from Windows 10 search in 2021. Or, if you want to go to further extremes, you can uninstall Microsoft Edge entirely.
